Msuky Fly SBS
"TheCream", Athens, OH
I was asked to do a musky fly tutorial on an articulated pattern I started tying, and I had time over the weekend on a rainy Sunday to get it done. This will be a lot of pics as there are a lot of steps in this pattern. Here's a pic of what you'll need (minus the black Sharpie) and a recipe for the pattern.
I was asked to do a musky fly tutorial on an articulated pattern I started tying, and I had time over the weekend on a rainy Sunday to get it done. This will be a lot of pics as there are a lot of steps in this pattern. Here's a pic of what you'll need (minus the black Sharpie) and a recipe for the pattern.
Rear hook:
Hook: Gamakatsu SP11 3/0 Thread: Orvis G chartreuse (you'll need a strong thread) Tail: synthetic yak and flash (I like to mix Flashabou and Krystal Flash) Body: reverse/hollow-style bucktail and flash in alternating colors (chart/yellow/orange) Junction: Single strand steel 44lb test REAR HOOK TUTORIAL
Front hook: Hook: Gamakatsu SL12 6/0 Thread: same as above Body: reverse/hollow-style bucktail and flash Head: spun chartreuse craft fur (I use Pseudo Hair, a long craft fur) Decorating: black Sharpie and 3D molded eyes (I used 5/16" eyes on this one) FRONT HOOK TUTORIAL
Here are a couple of other color combos I have made in this pattern.